One misconception that individuals have is that a new irrigation system will perform forever without service or adjustments. This is simply not true. All irrigation systems should be serviced at least twice a year. Systems need to be winterized in the late fall and should be inspected again in the spring. This will ensure that your sprinkler system is performing its best. Some serious problems can occur by not having a irrigation specialist check your system periodically.
Some of the most common repairs that need to be done include sprinkler head replacement and repair, valve replacement and underground leakage. Broken pipes can be the most insidious of problems as there are usually no overt signs of their presence. They sneak up and hit you on utility bill day.
While we really enjoy getting systems ready for spring usage, that's far from all we do. Other services include an entire sprinkler system check and adjustment, leaks, valve repairs, vacuum breaker repair and every type of sprinkler head replacement. These are only a few of our services:
One of the services we suggest the most is the installation of rain sensors. Sensors can be wired into the controller to trigger the sprinkler system when a certain moisture level is reached in your soil. This ensures the plant are getting the ample amount of water they need but also makes sure that unnecessary irrigation is not applied.
The placement of the sensors is critical. For this reason it's important to hire someone who is experienced. These sensors can both save your lawn and your budget by eliminating over watering.